Actor and director Ravibabu’s latest film “Aaviri” release is around the corner, and certain controversies engulfed the director for unknown reasons. Recently some negative news started engulfing and one of them is a rumour that he has harassed heroine Poorna (originally Shamna Kasim) who has acted in three movies of him. Talking about the same, Ravibabu gave clarity once and for all in a TV interview.
“After initially accepting to act in the shower scene in Avunu movie, where her physical depiction shot from outside of bathroom through a curtain will be projected as if someone is watching her, she created a scene. We have shown her a test shot, for which she said okay, but later during main-take she has run away in between the shot, saying that she couldn’t feature in it”, says Ravibabu, explaining the incident.
So what happened later? “I said nothing but asked my team to send her back to Cochin and get a new actress, such that we will reshoot all the 12 days work done so far. But then, Poorna and her mother came back to me, saying sorry, and finished her work. Later we worked in three more films” he added. We must say that there is nothing sort of any controversy or Ravibabu torturing the actress.
It looks like the villainous onscreen acts of Ravibabu are giving an unwanted perception to people, but in reality, he is someone very diffrent.