On the eve of Diwali, when almost every big film released a poster to celebrate the occasion, director Anil Ravipudi has come up with a skit video with Sarileru Neekevvaru actors. While the skit brought some laughs, industry biggies are said to have advised people close to Anil Ravipudi to tell the director to stay cautious and not poke others. Wonder why?
Apparently the comedy skit has Vennela Kishore and Subbraju discussing the script of the film. As they are revealing more details about the entry of various stars, Anil Ravipudi interferes to say, “Our film is coming from Sankranthi, not Diwali or any other festival”. In fact, this sounded like an answer to fans of Mahesh who are demanding the movie makers to release some songs and lyrical videos.
Also, some understood this as a satire on their competitor flick Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo which is doing viral promotions three months ahead of the film’s release. Though the director might not have such intention, the timing of the video’s release will make anyone think so.
regarding the same, some bigwigs who don’t an animosity created between Sarileru Neekevvaru and Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo camps is said to have advised the director to refrain from coming up with such stuff.