Ever since actor Uday Kiran committed suicide at his Srinagar colony apartment, there is huge hue and cry that Mega family suppressed his chances all the time. Also they started publicizing a list of movies that have never seen light due to Chiru’s pressure. Adding spice to this, those hardcore fans of Uday are now targeting Ram Charan.
Plans are being made by certain caste based associations to stage protests in front of theatres that screen ‘Yevadu’ on January 12th. These agitators want to highlight that Mega family is responsible for the falloff of Uday Kiran and hence the protests. However, some of the members in the same caste-association rejected this idea. They are attributing Uday’s failure to luck and are with the thought that there is no use of creating a big scene now. ‘None of these fans have come forward to Uday’s help when he is alive, but with his garlanded-photo they are doing all the politics now. This is a political move covered with Uday’s photo’, an observer commented.
Looks like Charan is having tough time with these agitators as whenever his films are releasing, some kind of agitators pop out to show strength against his movies. For Thoofan we have seen united-AP agitators and we have to see what happens now.