When legendary director Dasari Narayana Rao passed away, many have openly stated that Megastar Chiranjeevi should take the beacon of Tollywood, and solve the crisis situations with authority and wisdom. Though Chiru never appeared publicly ding that, he is said to be taking care of issues in the background.
As Megastar went to the USA for a 10-day trip, many things including a majority crisis in Movie Artists Association where the teams led by president Naresh and general secretary Jeevitha are at loggerheads are waiting to be resolved. And today (Thursday) morning, Megastar Chiranjeevi has landed back in Hyderabad as his from the USA to India via Dubai has touched ground in the early hours. Will he swiftly dive into action now?
Apart from MAA crisis, few producers are also said to be asking Megastar Chiru to handle the issue of clashing release dates of two big films. You guessed it right, the clash of Ala Vaikunthapurramulooa and Sarileru Neekevvaru on Jan 11th needs to be resolved, and trade circles are said to have requested the Megastar to look into it.
On the work front, Megastar needs to join hands with Koratala Siva to kick start the first schedule of their upcoming project.