This Sunday (Nov 17), the makers of the sensational film ‘George Reddy’ whose trailer has impressed the likes of Powerstar Pawan Kalyan mightily, has arranged for the pre-release event of the movie. But then, the event got cancelled as the Telangana police felt that it will be a law and order problem.
The trailer of George Reddy, featuring the story of Student Leader George Reddy who was brutally killed by assailants in Osmania University Campus itself, has generated huge curiosity.
Liking the trailer, Pawan Kalyan himself is said to have conveyed to director Jeevan Reddy that he will attend the pre-release event of the movie.
However, rather maintaining the law and order, Telangana police intimated that the arrival of Pawan Kalyan will create law and order problem, and hence they denied a permit for the event to be held at Necklace Road.
While fans are upset with the happening, makers of George Reddy are said to be finding an alternative way to bring Pawan and do the event.