Megastar Chiranjeevi’s “Sye Raa” holds the record for getting the highest amount from digital rights. Amazon Prime had bagged the entire streaming rights of the film for Rs 50 crore, a record amount for a film primarily made in Telugu.The entire rights were for all languages that include Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada. While Prabhas’s ‘Saaho’ was sold for Rs 40 crore, “Sye Raa” fetched the producer whopping Rs 50 crore.
Producer Ram Charan succeeded in clinching such a deal and he made good profits from satellite and digital rights as together they brought in more than Rs 75 crore revenue.
“Sye Raa”, however, didn’t bring any profits to the majority of distributors from theatrical revenue. Except for the Nizam and Uttarandhra region, no distributor had seen big profits.
Now, it is time to check whether Amazon Prime can make good money from the streaming.The Digital giant is expecting to garner the highest views for the mega epic drama as the film streams on November 21st.