After striking back with a solid success ‘ISmart Shankar’, director Puri Jagannadh announced his next project with the happening star Vijay Devarakonda. Even before the lead actress of the movie is finalized, the makers are said to have signed up senior actress Ramya Krishnan for a highly crucial role in the movie.
After Baahubali, Ramya has become one of the most busiest actors and she is now doing a key role in Akash Puri’s upcoming film ‘Romantic’, which is being produced by Puri and Charmme Kaur. It looks like Ramya has been finalized for Vijay’s yet to be titled project after the actress’s recent interaction with Charmee Kaur during the shoot of ‘Romantic’ in Goa.
According to industry reports, the main plot revolves around Vijay and Ramya. However, the onboarding of Sivagami has not been officially announced yet.
The reports also indicate that ISmart heroine Nidhhi Agerwal may grab a chance to romance Vijay in this film, which is likely to be titled as ‘Fighter’. On other hand, some rumours have recently emerged that Ramya Krishnan and actor Madhavan are going to seen as Varun Tej parents in the actor’s next film.