Telugu film maker S.S.Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali hurt the religious sentiments of the Jain community of Karnataka over the title of the movie linked to Jain saint Bahubali a prophet of peace. All over the name title -Bahubali and the use of mammoth statue of Gomateswara in the film teasers.
A video teaser- first look released on Prabhas birth day – depicting Bahubali in a sword in a war sequence has triggered off a controversy and led the Jain institution Sode Matha to issue a legal notice to Rajamouli for hurting the religious sentiments of Jain community. Bahubali is a champion of peace and not war, said the mutt legal consultant M.C.Nagashree
In view of the controversy and anticipating agitations the film maker had abandoned plans to shoot Baahubali in Karnataka and shifted base of all war scenes etc to Ramoji Film city in Hyderabad.