Bollywood girl Neha Dhupia is known for bringing stars to her podcasts and making them reveal their naughty side. Celebrities often share some interesting and spunky things about their lives on Neha’s show and super hot beauty Jacqueline Fernandez gave away an interesting snippet.
Jacqueline revealed that she thought of becoming a nun as she studied in a school run by nuns. She added, “As a kid, you follow an example and get influenced. I was influenced by them. We were in school, and in church every day. I was in the choir too.”
She told that her perception changed when she started meeting boys, had crushes and eventually dropped the idea of becoming a nun. Jacqueline Fernandez had multiple relationships in her life. In 2008, she dated Bahraini prince Hassan bin Rashid Al Khalifa and parted ways in 2011. After that, she had a relationship with ‘Housefull’ director Sajid Khan but separated in 2013. After that, she made sure that her personal life remains a secret.