The flop show of films like NTR biopics and Manikarnika have surely taken a toll on director Krish’s image as a creative filmmaker. Though the director is said to have narrated a script each to Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan, none are actually taking off for the now.
However, the director is not sitting idle as he is focusing on his next production venture. Quite surprisingly, he is making a foray into OTT market as he is producing a web series now. Guess what, Krish wants to give a break to all the struggling actors and actresses and technicians through this series.
We hear that the like of Navadeep, Bindu Madhavi, Hebah Patel, Tejaswi Madivada and others are part of this urbane comedy that is already being shot. Guess what, Ajay Bhuyan is another flop director who made gems like Dhada and web series Gangster, who is now directing this series.
Producing this web-series at a massive budget of 5 crores, surely Krish is taking all the risk and we have to see how it goes.