“We’ve not focused on Film Industry till date, you (Chiru) give us advice on how to develop the film industry further in Hyderabad,” said KCR, as said by Megastar Chiranjeevi. Speaking at MAA Diary launch event, Chiru further added that even AP CM YS Jagan told him, “Anna Cheppandi Meeku Emi Kavalo, we will do it”.
Speaking at the event that took place at Park Hyatt, Chiranjeevi advised MAA members to focus on development and welfare rather than fighting with each other. “It is no question of who individually gets fame from doing service to MAA, it is how the film industry gets benefitted and how MAA gets benefitted. Nadigar Sangam of Tamilnadu became so powerful in terms of money and influence, so we should also go to that level” added Chiranjeevi.
But Chiru says that he is also aware that politics creep into an organisation when there is lots of money. “Don’t go aggressively to collect money and spending it, but go constructively” he advises. “Let us not focus on delivering what will give to MAA for next 1 year, let us have a vision that will help members in the long run” Chiru further said.