Deepika Padukone, who is now grabbing headlines for a couple of reasons, is trending like never before. And, the trending is mostly for her alleged wrongdoings. Her latest release Chhapaak did not get the opening collections as expected, shattering hearts of the film team. And, the underlying issue for this is the actress attending JNU on Tuesday and stood with communist student leader Kanhaiya Kumar.
Her stand at JNU made her fans and the general public go against her and even decided to boycott her films, especially Chhapaak, a movie on acid attack survivor, Laxmi Agarwal. The underwhelming start at the box office made Chhapaak collect an ordinary Rs 4.77 crore. Compared to Deepika’s all other previous releases, it is shocking to learn that Chhapaak is her lowest-opening film in the last nine years.
To much surprise, Deepika’s 2014 disastrous film Finding Fanny, directed by Homi Adajania, also had a better start at Rs 5.10 crore. In spite of promotions and all the frenzy of excitement, Chhapaak’s opening collection left the actress upset. But, the film got positive reviews from critics and hopefully, it may spike up this weekend. The hatred and boycott against Deepika is also playing a role in restricting collections.
Chhapaak has been released yesterday and had a clash with Ajay Devgn’s 100th film, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior. Tanhaji had a spectacular start with its Day 1 collection being Rs 15.10 crore. Comparing both Chhapaak and Tanhaji, Tanhaji has surpassed the collections and interests of the people.