Dashing director Puri Jagannadh’s much-awaited film with Vijay Devarakonda has finally started and the film went on floors officially in Mumbai. The film’s co-producer Charmee Kaur uploaded the ‘Muhurat’ pics on social media and they are trending now.
On the other hand, the makers wanted to bring Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor as the heroine in this film but she backed out in the last minute. This film is going to be released in Hindi too and that is why makers reportedly brought in another Bollywood beauty into it. Sources say that budding heroine Ananya Pandey who made her debut last year with ‘Student Of The Year 2’ is going to play the romantic interest of Vijay in this film.
Ananya scored a hit last year with ‘Pati Patni Aur Woh’ and is doing a couple of interesting projects. Her inclusion will be an added advantage to Vijay’s Bollywood launch. So, let us wait and see if this news turns out to be true or not.