Recently it has come out that dusky NRI Malayalam beauty Catherine Tresa has walked out of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s next film that has Boyapati Sreenu in the director’s seat. It was said that she didn’t like the remuneration part and hence chose to exit from the project. But that episode is not done yet, says sources.
Apparently Catherine is not worried about remuneration as she knows the fact that director Boyapati Sreenu could get her big number easily like how he did it for Sarrainodu and Jaya Janaki Nayaka. But the actress is worried about doing another off-the-mill kind of role alongside Balayya at a time when she has done a solidly designed character in film like ‘World Famous Lover’ which is due for release.
For that reason, director Boyapati Sreenu was supposed to give a final narration to Catherine about her role, after which the spicy lady will take a call. But that narration didn’t happen as the director lost his mother recently and yet to come out of the grief. Couple of weeks later, after the director narrates the story and character, Catherine will take a final call about Balayya’s film it seems.
But if her role in World Famous Lover goes for a toss, then Catherine might accept the role in Balayya’s movie without second thoughts, feel cine folks.