Aswathama trailer is impressive and Naga Shaurya appeared super confident in the movie. The reason behind him producing it is his trust in the script he wrote. Apart from the concept, trailer and Shaurya’s acting, here is a topping in the form of Pawan Kalyan.
As revealed by Naga Shaurya, Aswathama’s story begins with the voice of Pawan Kalyan. The actor-politician is back to films, but he did not give his voice for this movie, but his dialogues from the movie Gopala Gopala will be used to introduce the concept of Aswathama. Well, this looks like a genuine need for a known voice to keep the intense introduction of the concept, but not like an idea to cash on Pawan Kalyan’s voice to attract the audience.
Anyway, the actor’s special voiceover might have done some difference in elevating the concept, but his dialogues from an old movie should blend as a part of the movie.
Naga Shaurya has evolved as a good actor in his journey from Oohalu Gusa Gusalade to the recent Oh Baby. Looks like the film Aswathama will be showing us the emotional acting of Naga Shaurya.
Aswathama is not Naga Shaurya’s screen name in the movie, but he will be seen as Guna. Naga Shaurya revealed that he developed this story based on a true incident. He chose the title ‘Aswathama’ as he questioned Draupadi Vastrapaharan in epic Mahabharata.