In recent times, mega daughter Niharika Konidela has upped her glam quotient as she started flaunting her ravishing looks in short skirts and so on. And recently she went to Mumbai as well about which she revealed through her Instagram stories. Here’s an interesting snippet.
Apparently Niharika is said to have got a glamorous photoshoot done in Mumbai by a noted fashion photographer. Whether that is an assignment for any big brand or it is just a casual photoshoot is something none knows at the moment. But one thing they say is that Niharika looked piping hot in those pictures. So when are they going to release the pictures shot in Bombay?
Though Niharika came back from the Bollywood capital a couple of days ago, she hasn’t revealed anything about the shoot later. That is raising the doubts if she is gonna make this photoshoot public or not. Also, some say that she gave auditions to couple of Bollywood films as well. That’s the twist.