Hyd: Pillion rider helmet rule comes without notice

So far Hyderabad doesn’t have this rule and the traffic cops have started it implementing it without notice. Well, this is about the pillion rider helmet. Till date, the traffic cops impose challan on people who don’t wear a helmet and spot on the roads. But in order to avoid challans, about ninety percent commuters are wearing helmets these days.

The second helmet rule was never considered here. However, this pillion rider helmet is getting implemented in all the major cities in India and now it has arrived to Hyderabad. In order to make the rules tougher, the traffic cops are imposing challans on commuters with no pillion rider helmet.

A few of them got challans and took it took to their social media and questioned why the fine is being imposed when the rule is yet to get implemented in the twin cities. The police too did not make any official statement so far but are seriously considering to bring it effective.

It would have been wise, if the Hyderabad Traffic Police make a formal announcement and then penalize the bikers.