Crazy hero Vijay Devarakonda’s younger brother Anand Devarakonda made his debut in Tollywood with ‘Dorasaani. Though the film gained some critical applause, the box-office verdict was disappointing. Not losing hope, Anand signed another two films and got them rolling. But there are no updates over these films.
After ‘Dorasaani’, he reportedly accepted a film with new director Vinod under Bhavya Creations banner by Anand Prasad. But there is absolutely no news about the film’s launch. As big hero films are getting started secretly, one might think that the makers silently started this film. But it is impossible to hide the details about Vijay’s brother’s film.
Not only this, there was news that Anand Devarakonda is remaking EVV Satyanarayana’s old flick ‘Thaali’. There are zero updates about this film too. What is ‘Rowdy’s brother doing? While Vijay is coming up with new ways to promote his films, his brother is lagging behind.