Unlike bashing and slapping, this time sensational star Vijay Devarakonda is coming up with sensible content related to various types of love. Directed by Kranthi Madhav and featuring Raashi Khanna, Catherine Tresa, Izabelle Leite and Aishwarya Rajesh as heroines, the film has Vijay appearing in sensible roles.
At a time when many are actually raving about the trailer’s greatness, there is this big doubt on the movie’s story. Audiences are right now confused as to what is going to happen inside the movie. Is it the story of the same Vijay Devarakonda who went through different career paths in various stage of life? Or is it the story of four different people that is being narrated in parallel?
Same guy’s multiple stories are not new as recently Premam has come out in the same pattern and turned a big hit. But with Vijay Devarakonda at the helm, surely Kranthi Madhav would have not picked that routine screenplay. So what is the link between these four characters played by Vijay is the big doubt for now which is making everyone curious.
Coming Feb 14th, World Famous Lover is hitting cinemas.