There are reports of Superstar Mahesh Babu collaborating with Geetha Govindam director Parasuram doing rounds. And, now according to some reports, this movie will reportedly go on floors in May 2020 and the reports also state that the makers are planning to make an official announcement in the next week.
Going by the industry grapevine now, this project will be launched on the auspicious occasion of Ugadi i.e. March 25, 2020.
Moreover, Mythri Movie Makers banner is on board to bankroll the project. However, the official confirmation regarding the same is yet to be made.
It is also heard that the Bharat Ane Nenu actor will also feature in a cameo in the film starring Chiranjeevi in the lead. Sources say that the makers of Chiru 152 are planning to announce the presence of Mahesh Babu officially on Holi i.e. March 10.
Looks like Mahesh Babu has an interesting line up of projects in his kitty!