The last rites of Maruthi Rao are performed in Miryalaguda on Monday and the police have made huge security arrangements. Post the death of Maruthi Rao, Amrutha expressed her wish to see father’s dead body and she urged the police to provide security for this.
The police after shifting Maruthi Rao’s dead body to Miryalaguda and informed the family members to go ahead with the rituals. Amrutha was brought to crematorium and having realized that she was there, family members raised slogans. They shouted ‘Go Back Amrutha’ and so Amrutha returned without seeing her father.
However, the police surrounded Amrutha and made sure no unwanted incident is reported at the spot.
Meanwhile the police have received the forensic report of Maruthi Rao’s death. The report confirmed that Maruthi Rao consumed a snack had poison mixed and because of it, the color of his body changed. Initially his brain got dead and finally he breathed his last, said the forensic report.