Prince Mahesh Babu who scored three blockbuster hits starting with Dookudu, Business Man and now Seetamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu is knocking at “Rs 100cr’ club making a strong success impact. Many trade analysts feel sooner than later he will make his entry in style as the 100cr club will be beautified and honored at the presence of Prince in their club.
Currently he is already having five projects and even if one puts his remuneration at Rs 12 cr, it comes to Rs 60 cr. Already many corporates are competing with each other trying to rope Mahesh as brand ambassador. So Rs 40 cr remuneration is not hard to earn for Mahesh. There is already talk in the industry that he makes more from endorsing brands than starring in the films.
It is a proud moment for all fans of Mahesh, movie lovers and Industry when Prince breaches Rs 100cr barrier.