Speaking to the media later, Sushmitha said she also lodged a complaint against 40 police men, including DGP V. Dinesh Reddy, Alwal ACP Ganesh Reddy and Neredmet Circle Inspector Srinivas Rao. In her complaint, she alleged that the police behaved in atrocious manner against Shankar Rao during his detention in the name of inquiry into the Green Field Land issue a few days ago. She urged the police to initiate action against the police personnel.
Questioning the police as to why they had detained her father on the very day he had asked the Home Department’s Principal Secretary T P Das about the details of Dinesh Reddy’s assets. She said that she included this information in her FIR. Sushmitha said she has faith in the judiciary and would will approach courts if the police failed to register cases against the Chief Minister, DGP and the police personnel involved in her father’s arrest.