HYDERABAD: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao is scheduled to hold a review meeting on May 8 with Education Minister Sabitha Indrareddy and other officials to take a final decision on revised dates of SSC exams. It is also likely to discuss other alternatives such as the promotion of students based on previous performance.
The meeting would discuss all the issues pertaining to the conduct of SSC examinations and a decision would be taken accordingly, an official release said on Sunday.
The Telangana High Court on Saturday directed the state government to conduct exams as per schedule across the state except in the districts of Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy that fall under the GHMC limits as they are worst affected by a coronavirus. However, the state government, which was prepared to conduct the examinations all across the state including the GHMC limits, was not satisfied with the high court’s verdict. Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy has announced the postponement of exams so that students do not suffer as the coronavirus cases in the state are on the rise.
In view of the problems involved in conducting the examinations at different times, the state government took a decision of postponing exams across the state. The government was of the view that holding examinations at two different times would throw up a lot of problems.
Following this, KCR would convene a review meeting at 4:30 pm On Monday with Health Minister Eatela Rajender and other Health Department officials on measures to be implemented for the containment of COVID-19 and also on the implementation of lockdown and other related issues.