Actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide has left the Bollywood in deep shock. Even as the reasons behind Sushant taking such a drastic step is not known yet, his last Instagram post talked about “fleeting life” (lasting for a very short time). He had also remembered his late mother and posted an emotional note for his late mother on June 3rd. He dedicated the post to his late mother.
Posting a black-and-white picture of his late mother and his picture, Sushant wrote on Insta, “Blurred past evaporating from teardrops. Unending dreams carving an arc of smile. And a fleeting life, negotiating between the two…”
Meanwhile, Rhea Chakraborty, who was rumoured to be Sushant’s girlfriend, had dropped several red hearts in the comments below the post.
Sushant was 16 years of age when his mom passed away in 2002. Sushant’s mother was in her 40s when she had died. She had died of brain hemorrhage. Her death had a huge impact on Sushant’s life. Earlier, Sushant had spoken about her late mother in several interviews. During the release of MS Dhoni biopic, MS Dhoni : The Untold Story, Sushant had wished that his mother was alive to see his success in life. He had said his mother would have been happy and proud of him seeing his success.