The news about Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput sudden demise has shaken the whole country and no one could digest the shocking news. While fans have been Sharing their pain via social media and networking sites, Bollywood big names like Priyanka Chopra, Akshay Kumar, Shah Rukh Khan and also Indian cricketers like Sachin, Kohli and Rohit additionally took to social media to grieve the loss of the wonderful entertainer.
While reports of the 34 year old actor fighting depression since six months have been surfacing the web, another report reveals that Sushant had spoken with his dad about three days ago and unfortunately that has become his last words with his father.
Sushant Singh had recently contacted his family who were stranded at a residence in Rajiv Nagar, Patna. He suggested his father to stay indoors and not to go out during this Pandemic situation . On top of that, out of his generosity he also talked to their domestic help, Lakshmi Devi over there and instructed her to take care of his dad.
A huge crowd amassed at Patna’s residence. They said late Sushanth’s father Krishna Kumar was shell shocked on hearing the news. Now his health is deteriorating and is not in a position to speak. Just a few months ago in the before lockdown, the actor had paid a visit to his maternal grandfather’s village to attend a family event. People over there couldn’t believe the news too.
Police has probed into the case to find out more details about the actor’s death. They haven’t found any suicide note from the apartment, and the investigating is still ongoing on. It was known that his friends slammed the door and barged in the morning when he didn’t open the door for a long time. The body was immediately taken to a hospital for post-mortem and further details behind his mysterious death are yet to be revealed.