In a disappointment to Bollywood hero Sushant Singh Rajput’s fans, his last film ‘Dil Bechara’ is set to have a digital release. Disney which has acquired HotStar has announced this taking to their social media.
“A story of love, hope, and endless memories. Celebrating the late #SushantSinghRajput’s legacy that will be etched in the minds of all and cherished forever. #DilBechara coming to everyone on July 24,” tweeted Disney+HotStar handle.
Initially ‘Dil Bechara’ was slated to release in theatres on May 8th. But due to lockdown it did not happened. The film based on John Green’s 2013 bestseller ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ marks the directorial debut of Mukesh Chhabra.
Music is composed by AR Rahman and the film also stars Sanjana Sanghi and Saif Ali Khan in other lead roles.
However fans of Sushant urged the producers of this film to release in theatres so that they can see him for one last time on the big screen. Well this is not going to happen now.