HYDERABAD: Telangana Health Director Srinivasa Rao said that the number of COVID-19 tests in the state has been stepped up in the last 10 days. Speaking to media persons on Tuesday, he said, about 36,221 COVID-19 cases have been registered in the state so far. He attributed the increase in COVID-19 cases to the easing of lockdown restrictions in the state.
He also stated that on Monday alone, 11, 525 COVID-19 tests have been conducted. In Telangana, the death rate due to coronavirus is only one per cent as against the national average of 2.7 per cent, the director added.
In a significant observation, Srinivasa Rao said that the recovery rate of COVID-19 in the state is 99 percent. About 80 percent of people getting infected with the dreaded virus are asymptomatic.
“There are 9,786 COVID-19 patients under home isolation. The COVID-19 tests are being carried out at 30 hospitals under GHMC limits. The treatment for the virus has been decentralized and COVID-19 patients are being treated at 54 private hospitals and also at private medical colleges free cost, ” the health director said.