As indicated by reports, Ankita Lokhande contacted film producer Ekta Kapoor with an intiative to make a sequel of the popular television series `Pavitra Rishta’ to pay honour to late Sushant Singh Rajput. The show was a massive hit where Sushanth rose to fame as an ideal man for every girl, which eventually paved way to him to make an entry to Bollywood films. Interestingly, it is anticipated that the sequel of the soap opera would surely enthrall the audience. Purportedly, both Ekta and Ankita feel that such idea will be the best tribute to the serial.
Ekta is heard to be spending time with her script writers to arrive on the most perfect narrative to make the television sequel. The filming will soon commence once the legal formalities and crew details are confirmed officially.
Ekta Kapoor and Sushant Singh Rajput have had a very good bonding. He also thanked Ekta on insta just a week before his sudden death. The producer was shell shocked and still hasn’t digested the news even after a month. Recently, Ekta kapoor has set up a fund and named it `Pavitra Rishta fund’ in loving memory of Sushant Singh Rajput by teaming up with Tarun Katial. It was done with a motto to create mental health awareness.