The Big boss Telugu 4 show that had comedy skit scheduled, began late in yesterday’s 13th episode. Kumar Sai team performed the skit first. Devi, Divi, Amma Rajasekhar, Harika did a skit in which they play as a drama company that suffer from the hunger pangs. Even though the comedy is average, it was commendable.
Subsequently, After that Avinash team karate Kalyani, Monal, Sujatha and Akhil did a skit together. Although it turned out lengthy, it managed to tickle our funny bones. All two of these skits received equal votes. However, according to Gangava’s decision, Avinash’s team was declared the winner.
Amma Rajasekhar was heartbroken over that. A chaotic atmosphere erupted in the house for a while. Sending drinks to both teams made everything amicable.
Bigg Boss became serious when members of the household repeatedly broke the rules. In a light hearted way he made the members to do sit-ups and urged them to learn Telugu well. BB TV selected four of the best performers and suggested that one of them be chosen as the captain. While Abhijit, Kalyani, Noel and Mehboob competed for the captaincy, they all unanimously made Noel the captain.
Later Devi was outraged on two occasions. The first when she obstructed Lasya from entering into the captain’s competition. After that she got into a altercation with Rajshekhar while Noel was assigning tasks as captain. She warned him not to raise his voice.