It is known that a total of 9 contestants in Bigg Boss house, namely Gangavva, Noel, Monal, Syed, Karate Kalyani, Amma Rajasekhar, Kumar, Harika, and Abijeet are in this week’s elimination race.
As per our sources, Karate Kalyani is the contestant who will be evicted from the Bigg Boss house this weekend. This episode will be telecasted tomorrow. She received the least amount of support from the audience and consequently, will have to make her way out.
Gangavva fell ill recently and this is one of the major developments in the house. In one of the promos released by Bigg Boss, Noel Sean is seen expressing his desire to leave the house.Also, there is a talk that Bigg Boss might throw a surprise by calling for double elimination this week. If this turns out to be the case, we might see another contestant being evicted from the Bigg Boss house.
it is said that Gangavva might be leaving the house for medical reasons and rejoin later.