Young actress, Priya Arul Mohan made her Tollywood debut with Nani’s Gang Leader. The film garnered a lukewarm response from the audience but Priya caught the attention of many with her cute and girl-next-door looks.
Going into the story, the makers of Sharwanand’s upcoming film Maha Samudram planned to rope in Priya for second female lead role in the film. They had even initiated talks with the Malayali beauty. However they were taken aback by the remuneration package quoted by the budding actress.
As said by our sources, Priya demanded Rs 75 lakhs to be a part of the project. This is a whopping amount for a one-film old actress and the producers were not expecting such a huge asking price.
The makers of Maha Samudram are now contemplating their options and will soon be deciding whether or not to rope in Priya who quoted a hefty remuneration.
It is known that the makers of the intense action drama had already roped in Aditi Rao Hydari for a key role in the film. Sharwanand and Siddharth play pivotal roles in the Ajay Bhupathi directorial.