Looks like it is raining controversies in Tamil land. Even before Kamal Haasan’s Vishwaroopam managed a way out of the ban, acclaimed filmmaker Mani Ratnam’s much-awaited movie Kadal (Kadali in Telugu) is in the midst of a controversy over a titillating lip-lock involving the teenage lead pair. Some social activists and film personalities have objected to the scene and asked why should filmmakers not adhere to a code of conduct and exercise restraint. Surprisingly, the heroine, Thulasi Nair, is barely 15 years old and has not yet completed her schooling.
The movie is being readied for release on February 1st.Kadal is directed and produced by Mani Ratnam. The film features debutant Gautham Karthik, son of actor Karthik and debutant Thulasi Nair, daughter of Radha in the lead roles and will also be dubbed and released simultaneously in Telugu as Kadali. AR Rahman is composing the music.