We are aware that Megastar Chiranjeevi has confirmed his next with director Meher Ramesh. The film is the Telugu remake of Tamil hit film Vedalam which was directed by Siruthai Siva with Ajith in the lead role. Pre-production work has already begun and the film will go on floors after Chiru wraps up Koratala Siva’s Acharya.
If the reports are believed, Mahanati fame Keerthy Suresh has already roped to play the sister role of the lead actor. The latest we hear is Chiranjeevi has asked the director to be prepared to start the film from January after the Sankranthi festival.
It is also heard that Chiranjeevi is evincing interest to rope a Bollywood hero to play the antagonist role. If everything goes as planned, the action entertainer will be released for Dussehra next year.
Besides Acharya and Vedalam remake, the veteran actor is also playing the lead role in Telugu remake of Malayalam blockbuster ‘Lucifer’. To be directed by VV Vinayak, the film marks Chiranjeevi’s third collaboration with VV Vinayak after Tagore and Khaidi No.150.