After making two super hit films like ‘Chalo’ and ‘Aswathama’ with Naga Shaurya, well-known production house ‘Ira Creations’ is now floating a sister production named ‘Ira Cinemas’.In an attempt to make content-rich films with aspiring directors and actors, this new production house has been setup by Naga Shaurya and team. This production banner will be a great opportunity for budding actors and directors who dreamt to make their film debut.
The first film under ‘Ira Cinemas’ has been launched in Hyderabad today. Sunny Komalapati will be directing this film while Abhinav Sardar will co-produce it. The film will start rolling from 9th November. Speaking about their new production banner, Usha Mulpuri said, “Given it’s a propitious day, the Pooja ceremony is held today. Ira Cinemas is a sister company to Ira Creations and it is started to encourage young talent. We will be making back to back films with fresh content. The first film with Sunny Komalapati is a thriller.”
The rest of the details about this untitled film will be announced soon.