the last few months, many movies have released on the OTT platform. But Suriya’s Aakasham Nee Haddu Ra (Soorarai Pottru) has become a sensational hit and also gathered a special fan base for the movie. Aakasham Nee Haddu Ra was directed by Kollywood director Sudha Kongara. Earlier, there are rumors on social media about the director’s next project.
Meanwhile, there is a strong rumor that Sudha Kongara is going to direct the biopic of India’s most successful businessman Ratan Tata. Buzz has it that Madhavan will reprise Ratan Tata’s role in the biopic. The poster is also getting viral on Social Media.
Responding to the poster, Madhavan took to his Twitter handle to clarify that all the rumors being spread about being a part of the Tata biopic false, “Hey unfortunately it’s not true. It was just a wish and some fans made the poster. No such project is even in the pipeline or being discussed.”
Hey unfortunately it’s not true. It was just a wish at some fans will made the poster. No such project is even on the pipeline or being discussed.
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) December 11, 2020