Addressing the press here, he said the Chief minister himself admitted the backwardness of Telangana by proposing Rs 1 lakh crore package for the region. The T region was lagging behind in all aspects including employment, education, irrigation and fund allocations for welfare and development programmes since the Telagnana was merged with Andhra in 1956. People were denied justice even after the successive governments brought several acts. The only option before the centre was to curve out the state respecting the sentiments of T people.
‘We will not accept any package except Telangana state existed before its merger,’Rao said alleged that the Congress leaders, ministers, MPs and MLAs of T betrayed people by supporting the Chief minister, who strongly advocated united Andhra.
He also took strong exception to the Chief minister’s remarks in the core committee meeting that naxalism will revive in Telangana once the state is bifurcated. The extremism had its roots first in Seemandhra region and not in Telangana. Most of the leaders in the naxal movement also hailed from non telangana region, The TRS leader said the naxalism was not a political problem but a socio- economical issue.
Referring to the Congress state in-chrage reported statement that it would take 215 days to complete the process for the formation of Telangana, Rao said, if the centre is sincere, it would take note more than one month to create the state.
Reiterating that T- state will be achieved through TRS only, Rao said the Congress resorted to back stabbing politics for political gains on the contentious issue.