Ajith’s latest film Veeram was declared a success at the box office. Following this, his audience is eagerly awaiting his next film where Ajith is working with Gautham Menon while film star Anushka is the female lead. But the question that is there in each and every fan of Ajith is the look that he would be sporting in the new film.
Ajith had tonsured his head at the Tirupati temple ahead of Veeram and since then he is been seen in his natural grey hair salt and pepper style. His recent films like Mankatha, Arrambam and Veeram where he sported this look have been proved successful too. A while ago, he had dyed his hair black to appear young in the film Billa 2.
But this time, there is talk Ajith will be going for a fully unique makeover. Since Ajith seems to fond of suspense regarding these things, his fans are eagerly awaiting the first set of photos from the new film!