Chief Minister KCR has called for a sudden meeting of the party’s executive committee, on February 7th. All party leaders, including state committee members, ministers, MPs, MLAs and MLCs, state-level corporation chairpersons, zilla parishad chairpersons, mayors, municipal chairpersons, DCCB chairpersons and DCMS presidents have all been asked to attend the meeting without fail.
The meeting will be held at 2 PM, at the Telangana Bhavan, with KCR preceding. While it is not uncommon for the party to be meeting and discussing issues, the timing of the meeting is raising a lot of suspicions. It is being speculated that issues like membership renewal, the appointment of party committees from village-level to the state-level and election of party president, and other important issues would be discussed during this meeting. However, these issues are usually discussed during the party’s annual conclave, which takes place during the last week of April, which is taking place on the 27th of April this year.
With the annual conclave’s schedule also being fixed, there’s no clarity over why the CM has decided to conduct yet another meeting so soon. It is being said that KCR might resign as the CM and announce KTR as the CM during this meeting, and might even make Harish Rao as the working president of the party, while giving his daughter Kavitha some important duty in the party.
If this is to be believed, then the official announcement of KTR as the CM can be expected on February 8th. On the other hand, the meeting could be for totally different reasons. Nothing can be certain until the meeting comes to an end.