Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan on Thursday said that the party secured 23 percent of votes in the third phase of the ongoing gram panchayat elections in Andhra Pradesh. He said the results have proved that the party has a strong grip at the village level.
Pawan Kalyan said that Janasena has secured more than 270 sarpanch and upa-sarpanch seats in the third phase and stood in second place in more than 1654 panchayats. He said that the victory in Kadapa Railway Gudur and Kuppam had made him very happy. He specially mentioned the agency areas, which he visited and said the change in those areas can be seen with the victory registered.
He lauded the courage of youngsters and women, who stepped out to raise their voice against the ruling party. He mentioned some youngsters and congratulated them and said the change is evident. He called the people to support the Janasena party in the fourth phase of elections.
Pawan Kalyan also criticised the state government for misusing and controlling the funds that Centre is granting for the development of villages.
గ్రామాలు యాచించే స్థాయి నుండి శాసించే స్థాయికి ఎదగాలి : జనసేనాని శ్రీ @PawanKalyan గారు#APLocalBodyElections2021 pic.twitter.com/UvLjQ31xGt
— JanaSena Party (@JanaSenaParty) February 18, 2021