In a tragic incident, a 25-year-old fan of KGF star Yash in Karnataka has committed suicide by hanging himself at his house in Kodidoddi village. According to Mandya district police, the deceased has been identified as Ramakrishna and was a die-hard fan of Yash and Karnataka Leader of the Opposition, Siddaramaiah.
The young man has left a single page suicide note written in Kannada, which mentioned the names of Siddaramaiah and Yash. He mentioned his two last wishes in the letter saying that he wants both of them to be present at this funeral.
In the letter, he also claimed that he was a big failure in his life as he could not become a good son to his mother, a good brother to his elder brother, and even failed to win over the heart of his love.
Reacting to this shocking incident, the KGF star took to his social media handle and penned a deep message saying that the incident shouldn’t be an example for fans’ love. He tweeted, “Fans love is our life and pride. But can we be proud of Mandya Ramakrishna’s death? This shouldn’t be an example for others. Hope he rests in peace. Om Shanti.” (sic)
On the other hand, former Chief Minister Siddaramaiah attended Ramakrishna’s funeral yesterday and paid his last respects.