Bollywood‘s popular actor Vivek Oberoi, who was fined for riding a bike without a mask and helmet, issued an apology on social media for breaking traffic rules.
Vivek Oberoi was spotted riding his new Harley Davidson with his wife Priyanka Alva Oberoi in Mumbai without wearing a helmet or a mask. The actor had posted this video on Valentine’s day on his social media handles. Along with the video, he wrote, “What a start of this lovely valentine’s day with Main, Meri patni aur woh! A refreshing joyride indeed!”
However, this video had brought trouble to him after traffic police issued an e-challan of Rs 500 against him for not wearing a helmet. An FIR was also registered against him in Mumbai’s Juhu police station on February 19.
Following this, the actor has apologised to the cops and also thanked them for enlightening him that safety is very important. He also asked his fans to wear a helmet while riding a bike.