Shriya South Indian beauty star tasted top heroine spot for few years and she is the only heroine to taste perfect success in all woods. Shriya also gained offer from Shankar for Shivaji the big flick with Rajini kanth. But later she is down completely and she never raised high with any of her movies released after this.
But now she is trying hard to establish her in Mollywood and as she wished Shriya is offered a film in Malayalam and to her bad luck there is also one more heroine in this film and she is none other than Andrea (Tadakha Fame). Andrea is already in Mollywood for few days but she left it due to her affair with a top young director.
Now she is back again as that top director is married recently, now Andrea is working hard on gaining some important role in this film, As Andrea is already influenced in Mollywood she is gaining upper hand on Shriya and gets a perfect top place in movie pushing Shriya behind. Shriya who is helpless is worrying about her career.