Government Chief Whip Gandra Venkataramana Reddy led a joint attack on both Kiran Kumar Reddy and TDP Chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu for playing with people of Andhra Pradesh. Primarily, Gandra accused Kiran Reddy for funds diversion to Seemandhra districts showing his anti Telangana cover. He produced a copy of GO No 170 showing the diversion of Special Development Funds (SDF).
Attacking Naidu he said, “TDP Chief did not participate in the debate on Telangana Bill in the Assembly. However, he made several statements outside the House to incite people over statehood issue. He is using the situation to mislead people for rebuilding his shattered political image. For this, Naidu should tender an unconditional apology for Semeemandhra people. I assure Seemandhra brothers for the safety of lives and properties in Telangana State. They will always be safe and protected.”