As announced yesterday, the makers of Allu Arjun‘a Pushpa unveiled a prelude of the film at 11 AM today. It gives a small peek into the world of Allu Arjun aka Pushpa Raj.The 18-second video shows Allu Arjun running in a forest with his hands tied behind his back. Also, his face is not revealed in the video as it is covered with a piece of cloth.
This prelude is more of a glimpse of the first teaser that is to follow.
“ Hold your nerve tight because Excitement is in the air. Meet the ferocious #PushpaRaj on 7th April at 6:12 PM,” read the announcement from Mythri Movie Makers.The first teaser of Pushpa featuring Allu Arjun will be out on 7th April, a day ahead of his birth, which falls on 8th April.
Allu Arjun‘s look and physical appearance in Pushpa is said to be one of the very best in recent times and we will be getting a glimpse of the same with the teaser which will be out on 7th of this month.The Sukumar directorial is slated for release on 13th August. It also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faisal in important roles.