Andhra Pradesh caretaker CM Kiran Kumar Reddy made stunning comments today at a meeting with students. Kiran said, “I don’t know whether I’m CM or not. I have resigned protesting the decision to bifurcate the State. Still they’re asking me to continue as caretaker CM. I have rejected to continue as caretaker CM and even wrote a letter. Yet they’re pressing me to continue as caretaker CM till they appoint new CM.”
Kiran said he won’t tolerate the deliberate injustice done to people of both regions. He said he is mulling over to move Supreme Court against the manner in which bifurcation is done. He added that it’s beginning of the fight. Kiran too opened up about floating new party. He questioned the gathering at the meeting, “Why should I float a party? For whom should I float party? Thankfully, with God’s grace, my family runs as usual even if I don’t work.” The crowd replied him to launch party for them. Looks like Kiran is leaving no stone unturned to muster public support for his new party.