Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma, who always creates hype and hysteria before every release of his film, has decided to keep it simple this time with his latest film, The Attacks of 26/11. The movie shooting was completed without any hype and is now set for release. This is the first time when RGV’s film has been shot under such low profile.
The movie made on the true incidents based on Mumbai terror attacks had completed its shooting part and is gearing up for release on March 1st. Both the Telugu and Hindi versions will hit the screens on the same day. Directed by Ram Gopal Varma and produced by Alumbra Entertainment and Eros International, The Attacks of 26/11 features Nana Patekar, and Sanjeev Jaiswal (As Ajmal Kasab) among others. Ramu was assisted by Rommel Rodrigues,who had written a book Kasab the face of 26/11′ based on the incident.