YSRCP supremo, serving Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, who was supposed to take part in the campaign for the forthcoming by-election in Tirupati has decided to cancel his tour.Regarding his decision, Jagan Mohan Reddy has written to the voters in the temple city Tirupati. In the letter, the CM said he thought of meeting the voters during the campaign. But the Corona infections in the state have forced me to change my decision.
Though I am unable to ask you (voters) to vote for the YSRCP in the upcoming elections directly, keeping the welfare schemes in mind, please vote for the mind, Jagan said in the letter.
Along with the country, the new infections are also increasing in Andhra Pradesh. As per yesterday’s media bulletin, 2,765 new people were found positive for the virus. Chittor has reported nearly 500 cases. I am canceling my tour for the sake of the public’s health, Jagan maintained.
I am hoping that you(voters) show their love towards the government in the form of the votes and vote for the party. I hope, Gurumoorhy will get more majority than Balli Durga Prasad in the elections, CM Jagan added.