Rajamouli, Prabhas new film ‘Bahubali’ may take two years for its completion and release. Because story wise, technically and as per the production it’s a very humongous project. The budget of this film is going to be around 80 crores and being the highest budget movie in Tollywood ever. There are chances of shooting 50% of this film on blue mat. After shooting on Blue mat, to give the graphical background for that footage, they need numerous graphical designers and lot of CG (Computer Graphics) work.
Keeping all this work in mind, Prabhas is not giving his call sheets to anyone for next two years and reserved his whole dates for genius Rajamouli. Rajamouli already announced that this film is going to be more great film than ‘Magadheera’ which set very high expectations on this film. Rajamouli has all the potential to keep up his promises on his films.