While central government is looking all ifs and buts on Separate Telangana, CM Kiran kumar reddy is trying his level best to keep the state undivided. It is heard that, Kiran kumar has made a detail report on the consequences that has to be faced on separating Telangana. Kiran kumar reddy took this report along with him for attending Chintan Shibhir in Jaipur that goes for three days where Sonia Gandhi and many other congress leaders are going to attend. Even a copy was already sent to Central Home minister Susheel kumar shinde.
Now in this Chintan Shibhir, Kiran kumar is going to utilize the opportunity to make his views on Telangana more clear to the high command. Kiran kumar is against to all the suggestions on Telangana like Separate Telangana, Royala Telangana and the idea of making Hyderabad into a Union territory.